Sunday, April 25, 2010

Should i see a dermatologist?

my skin is extremely oily and covered with blackheads and white heads on my nose, chin and forehead. i wash my face every day, twice a day and i use an astringent, but the blackheads and whiteheads just get worse and spread on to more of my face. should i see a doctor?Should i see a dermatologist?
Yep. It'll probably go away when your older but if it bothers you now definitely go see a derm. There's no harm in going, my sister used to have acne and the doctor gave her a nice cream that cleaned everything up lol so I'd say you have nothing to lose :)Should i see a dermatologist?
It will probably go away on it's own but you do want to prevent things like scarring and hyperpigmentation.

Washing isn't always the best approach and can worsen the problem sometimes, so it is a good idea to see a dermatologist.

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