Saturday, December 26, 2009

Should my friend/neighbor see a dermatologist about this?

She says she has a reddish rash on her left side, beneath her breast, about where her liver would be.( I have not seen it, so I'm going by her description.) She says it's almost perfectly round, with whitish spots here and there that come and go--she says they look like dry skin, but the skin surface is smooth. It does not itch or hurt. She's seen a naturopath who gave her a liver tonic-type-thing--it didn't do anything. Also, she has briefly had the same thing occur on the same side of her body, about at the hipbone. So it's not really bothering her, but she's understandably worried. Does this ring a bell for anybody? What kind of doctor should she consult?

By the way, she has a very healthy lifestyle and diet.

Any ideas?? Thanks..Should my friend/neighbor see a dermatologist about this?
I would tell her to go to her regular doctor and have him refer her to the correct specialist. It sounds a bit like a skin rash I had, but there is no way of knowing unless you go to a doc. And I think a dermatologist would probably be the best bet.Should my friend/neighbor see a dermatologist about this?
Yes, she needs to visit a dermatologist. She could have any number of skin conditions from eczema to ring worm or a similar fungal infection.
Yes, YOU should go see a doctor.
ALWAYS see a doctor when you have questions, and a dermatologist would be a great start. This could be the symptom of an underlying condition, or could also be skin cancer. You should always check out things that don't seem right because many illnesses have symptoms that DON'T cause pain or discomfort
First a generalist in my opinion. A Dermatologist is a good idea, but generally (if you don't already have a dermatologist) you need to pass by a generalist before going to a specialized branch. Furthermore, maybe it will ring a bell for the generalist and send her instead to a i.e.neurologue or another specialist that you and her hadn't thought about. I would definitely consult anyway.
It may be a fungal infection (candida). The liver is located in the right not left side. Thanks.
It could be a case of eczema... If so there are treatments that can be effective... She should go see her regular doctor who should be able to determine whether a prescription will clear it up or if she should continue on to a dermatologist....

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